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the saints are dead
Willkommen im the saints are dead! Wir sind ein Rollenspiel, welches im Grishaverse von Leigh Bardugo angesiedelt ist und setzen nach dem Ende von Staffel 2 der Serie Shadow and Bone an. Buchereignisse werden bei uns nicht beachtet, bieten uns allerdings Inspiration für unser Forencanon und unseren roten Faden. Unsere Hauptspielorte sind Ravka, Shu Han und Kerch. Unser Rollenspiel hat ein L3S3V3 Rating. Es gibt lockere Postingfristen, eine regelmäßige Whitelist und unsere Charaktererstellung geschieht komplett über Profilfelder, welche so gestaltet sind, dass alle Spieler sich individuell austoben können.
Nathalie • Nikolai Lantsov
Zuletzt online: 06.09.2024, 23:33
Michelle • Inej Ghafa
ist aktuell abwesend! Bis zum: 01.10.2024
Franci • Taiji Yul-Zheng
Zuletzt online: Vor 31 Minuten
Fran • Yuma Kir-Tian
Zuletzt online: Vor 8 Stunden
21.07.2024: Fran und Franci unterstützen das Team fortan als Moderatoren!

01.12.2023: Wir wünschen euch einen wundervollen Start in die Adventszeit! Als besondere Überraschung gibt es einen Adventskalender. Außerdem haben wir unseren Postmarathon in die zweite Runde geschickt.

01.11.2023: Es findet unser erster Postmarathon statt. Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß!

01.07.2023: Das Forum ist offiziell eröffnet. Es darf sich angemeldet werden!

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Jelly beans sugar plum icing muffin tootsie roll lollipop cake gummi bears. Jelly lollipop oat cake cotton candy caramels powder. Candy canes jelly beans tart topping marshmallow cheesecake bear claw donut candy. Sweet lemon drops brownie topping bear claw jujubes fruitcake candy cookie. Biscuit macaroon macaroon gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pie topping cake. Cake caramels marzipan biscuit marshmallow candy canes danish tootsie roll. Cheesecake candy ice cream soufflé lemon drops cake dragée fruitcake. Shortbread cupcake lollipop chocolate cake cake jujubes. Sugar plum lemon drops cake tiramisu sweet roll danish tiramisu pie bonbon. Cookie tart jujubes carrot cake jelly-o. Jelly beans sugar plum chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps croissant cupcake. Apple pie croissant jelly beans pie pudding biscuit. Cheesecake dessert gingerbread liquorice marzipan sweet liquorice.

[profil style="01" bild="url" size="100px"][/profil]

Kleine Gif, links, eingefärbt

Jelly beans sugar plum icing muffin tootsie roll lollipop cake gummi bears. Jelly lollipop oat cake cotton candy caramels powder. Candy canes jelly beans tart topping marshmallow cheesecake bear claw donut candy. Sweet lemon drops brownie topping bear claw jujubes fruitcake candy cookie. Biscuit macaroon macaroon gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pie topping cake. Cake caramels marzipan biscuit marshmallow candy canes danish tootsie roll. Cheesecake candy ice cream soufflé lemon drops cake dragée fruitcake. Shortbread cupcake lollipop chocolate cake cake jujubes. Sugar plum lemon drops cake tiramisu sweet roll danish tiramisu pie bonbon. Cookie tart jujubes carrot cake jelly-o. Jelly beans sugar plum chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps croissant cupcake. Apple pie croissant jelly beans pie pudding biscuit. Cheesecake dessert gingerbread liquorice marzipan sweet liquorice.

[profil style="02" bild="url" size="100px"][/profil]

Große gif, rechts, eingefärbt

Jelly beans sugar plum icing muffin tootsie roll lollipop cake gummi bears. Jelly lollipop oat cake cotton candy caramels powder. Candy canes jelly beans tart topping marshmallow cheesecake bear claw donut candy. Sweet lemon drops brownie topping bear claw jujubes fruitcake candy cookie. Biscuit macaroon macaroon gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pie topping cake. Cake caramels marzipan biscuit marshmallow candy canes danish tootsie roll. Cheesecake candy ice cream soufflé lemon drops cake dragée fruitcake. Shortbread cupcake lollipop chocolate cake cake jujubes. Sugar plum lemon drops cake tiramisu sweet roll danish tiramisu pie bonbon. Cookie tart jujubes carrot cake jelly-o. Jelly beans sugar plum chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps croissant cupcake. Apple pie croissant jelly beans pie pudding biscuit. Cheesecake dessert gingerbread liquorice marzipan sweet liquorice.

[profil style="03" bild="url" size="200px"][/profil]

Große gif, links, eingefärbt

Jelly beans sugar plum icing muffin tootsie roll lollipop cake gummi bears. Jelly lollipop oat cake cotton candy caramels powder. Candy canes jelly beans tart topping marshmallow cheesecake bear claw donut candy. Sweet lemon drops brownie topping bear claw jujubes fruitcake candy cookie. Biscuit macaroon macaroon gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pie topping cake. Cake caramels marzipan biscuit marshmallow candy canes danish tootsie roll. Cheesecake candy ice cream soufflé lemon drops cake dragée fruitcake. Shortbread cupcake lollipop chocolate cake cake jujubes. Sugar plum lemon drops cake tiramisu sweet roll danish tiramisu pie bonbon. Cookie tart jujubes carrot cake jelly-o. Jelly beans sugar plum chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps croissant cupcake. Apple pie croissant jelly beans pie pudding biscuit. Cheesecake dessert gingerbread liquorice marzipan sweet liquorice.

[profil style="04" bild="url" size="200px"][/profil]

Kleine Gif, rechts

Jelly beans sugar plum icing muffin tootsie roll lollipop cake gummi bears. Jelly lollipop oat cake cotton candy caramels powder. Candy canes jelly beans tart topping marshmallow cheesecake bear claw donut candy. Sweet lemon drops brownie topping bear claw jujubes fruitcake candy cookie. Biscuit macaroon macaroon gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pie topping cake. Cake caramels marzipan biscuit marshmallow candy canes danish tootsie roll. Cheesecake candy ice cream soufflé lemon drops cake dragée fruitcake. Shortbread cupcake lollipop chocolate cake cake jujubes. Sugar plum lemon drops cake tiramisu sweet roll danish tiramisu pie bonbon. Cookie tart jujubes carrot cake jelly-o. Jelly beans sugar plum chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps croissant cupcake. Apple pie croissant jelly beans pie pudding biscuit. Cheesecake dessert gingerbread liquorice marzipan sweet liquorice.

[profil style="05" bild="url" size="100px"][/profil]

Kleine Gif, links

Jelly beans sugar plum icing muffin tootsie roll lollipop cake gummi bears. Jelly lollipop oat cake cotton candy caramels powder. Candy canes jelly beans tart topping marshmallow cheesecake bear claw donut candy. Sweet lemon drops brownie topping bear claw jujubes fruitcake candy cookie. Biscuit macaroon macaroon gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pie topping cake. Cake caramels marzipan biscuit marshmallow candy canes danish tootsie roll. Cheesecake candy ice cream soufflé lemon drops cake dragée fruitcake. Shortbread cupcake lollipop chocolate cake cake jujubes. Sugar plum lemon drops cake tiramisu sweet roll danish tiramisu pie bonbon. Cookie tart jujubes carrot cake jelly-o. Jelly beans sugar plum chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps croissant cupcake. Apple pie croissant jelly beans pie pudding biscuit. Cheesecake dessert gingerbread liquorice marzipan sweet liquorice.

[profil style="06" bild="url" size="100px"][/profil]

Große gif, rechts

Jelly beans sugar plum icing muffin tootsie roll lollipop cake gummi bears. Jelly lollipop oat cake cotton candy caramels powder. Candy canes jelly beans tart topping marshmallow cheesecake bear claw donut candy. Sweet lemon drops brownie topping bear claw jujubes fruitcake candy cookie. Biscuit macaroon macaroon gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pie topping cake. Cake caramels marzipan biscuit marshmallow candy canes danish tootsie roll. Cheesecake candy ice cream soufflé lemon drops cake dragée fruitcake. Shortbread cupcake lollipop chocolate cake cake jujubes. Sugar plum lemon drops cake tiramisu sweet roll danish tiramisu pie bonbon. Cookie tart jujubes carrot cake jelly-o. Jelly beans sugar plum chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps croissant cupcake. Apple pie croissant jelly beans pie pudding biscuit. Cheesecake dessert gingerbread liquorice marzipan sweet liquorice.

[profil style="07" bild="url" size="200px"][/profil]

Große gif, links

Jelly beans sugar plum icing muffin tootsie roll lollipop cake gummi bears. Jelly lollipop oat cake cotton candy caramels powder. Candy canes jelly beans tart topping marshmallow cheesecake bear claw donut candy. Sweet lemon drops brownie topping bear claw jujubes fruitcake candy cookie. Biscuit macaroon macaroon gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pie topping cake. Cake caramels marzipan biscuit marshmallow candy canes danish tootsie roll. Cheesecake candy ice cream soufflé lemon drops cake dragée fruitcake. Shortbread cupcake lollipop chocolate cake cake jujubes. Sugar plum lemon drops cake tiramisu sweet roll danish tiramisu pie bonbon. Cookie tart jujubes carrot cake jelly-o. Jelly beans sugar plum chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps croissant cupcake. Apple pie croissant jelly beans pie pudding biscuit. Cheesecake dessert gingerbread liquorice marzipan sweet liquorice.

[profil style="08" bild="url" size="200px"][/profil]


Zitat links

“I’m terrified of failure or success. If I really do have this power, who am I?”
Jelly beans sugar plum icing muffin tootsie roll lollipop cake gummi bears. Jelly lollipop oat cake cotton candy caramels powder. Candy canes jelly beans tart topping marshmallow cheesecake bear claw donut candy. Sweet lemon drops brownie topping bear claw jujubes fruitcake candy cookie. Biscuit macaroon macaroon gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pie topping cake. Cake caramels marzipan biscuit marshmallow candy canes danish tootsie roll. Cheesecake candy ice cream soufflé lemon drops cake dragée fruitcake. Shortbread cupcake lollipop chocolate cake cake jujubes. Sugar plum lemon drops cake tiramisu sweet roll danish tiramisu pie bonbon. Cookie tart jujubes carrot cake jelly-o. Jelly beans sugar plum chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps croissant cupcake. Apple pie croissant jelly beans pie pudding biscuit. Cheesecake dessert gingerbread liquorice marzipan sweet liquorice.

<div class="profile_quote_left">Zitat</div>

Zitat rechts

“I’m terrified of failure or success. If I really do have this power, who am I?”
Jelly beans sugar plum icing muffin tootsie roll lollipop cake gummi bears. Jelly lollipop oat cake cotton candy caramels powder. Candy canes jelly beans tart topping marshmallow cheesecake bear claw donut candy. Sweet lemon drops brownie topping bear claw jujubes fruitcake candy cookie. Biscuit macaroon macaroon gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pie topping cake. Cake caramels marzipan biscuit marshmallow candy canes danish tootsie roll. Cheesecake candy ice cream soufflé lemon drops cake dragée fruitcake. Shortbread cupcake lollipop chocolate cake cake jujubes. Sugar plum lemon drops cake tiramisu sweet roll danish tiramisu pie bonbon. Cookie tart jujubes carrot cake jelly-o. Jelly beans sugar plum chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps croissant cupcake. Apple pie croissant jelly beans pie pudding biscuit. Cheesecake dessert gingerbread liquorice marzipan sweet liquorice.

<div class="profile_quote_right">Zitat</div>

Zitat zentriert

“I’m terrified of failure or success. If I really do have this power, who am I?”
Jelly beans sugar plum icing muffin tootsie roll lollipop cake gummi bears. Jelly lollipop oat cake cotton candy caramels powder. Candy canes jelly beans tart topping marshmallow cheesecake bear claw donut candy. Sweet lemon drops brownie topping bear claw jujubes fruitcake candy cookie. Biscuit macaroon macaroon gingerbread jelly beans marzipan pie topping cake. Cake caramels marzipan biscuit marshmallow candy canes danish tootsie roll. Cheesecake candy ice cream soufflé lemon drops cake dragée fruitcake. Shortbread cupcake lollipop chocolate cake cake jujubes. Sugar plum lemon drops cake tiramisu sweet roll danish tiramisu pie bonbon. Cookie tart jujubes carrot cake jelly-o. Jelly beans sugar plum chocolate cake lemon drops sesame snaps croissant cupcake. Apple pie croissant jelly beans pie pudding biscuit. Cheesecake dessert gingerbread liquorice marzipan sweet liquorice.

<div class="profile_quote_center">Zitat</div>

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